India Grand Chronic Hypoxia Tour – Dehli

Grand Chronic Hypoxia Tour throughout India July 2016 in the city of Dehli

In this series of consecutive blogs, you can read about this outstanding scientific tour. Each blog is dedicated to one city and one scientific concept presented in the conference “Extraordinary Adaptation to Chronic Hypoxia and Life at High Altitude”

Back to Day 1 of the India Chronic Hypoxia tour

Conference at the prestigious Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) in Dehli 

To arrive once more in Dehli where the fantastic statue of the great Ghandi is located, was indeed a delight.


Ghandi statue in Dehli and Agra
Ghandi statue in Dehli and Agra

And to be once more in the outstanding Defense Institute of Physiology and Allies Sciences (DIPAS) was, indeed, a delight. Back in 2012, we had jointly carried out the Global Hypoxia Summit and 4th international conference on Chronic Hypoxia (the 4th of our Chronic Hypoxia Symposiums) at DIPAS with great success. Dr. Shashi Bala Singh its Director, and with the kind coordination of Dr. Kaushal K Srivastava, we once again shared kind moments of scientific delight surrounded by professors, faculty, researchers and students in their beautiful auditorium.

Dipas presentation
DIPAS opening ceremony with the presence of  Prof. S.K. Bansal, the Dipas Director Dr. Shashi Bala Singh, the Chancellor Prof. S.N. Gaur and Dr. Usha Panjwanl
Lighting the candles of enlightenment, which brings knowledge lights to darkness.
Lighting the candles of enlightenment, which brings knowledge lights to darkness.

The lighting of candles in these scientific meetings in India is a great honor, as it is a symbol to show the enlightenment, an act of giving light to shadows and darkness, signifying bringing knowledge to where there is emptiness in that specific area. This extraordinary symbol in India is a unique ceremony that the whole world needs to understand and learn from this millenary culture that was so creative in science, the arts, the personal growth, the love for nature and the respect for all animals and living beings. The western civilization has so much to learn!!!


Post Conference group photo at DIPAS. Note that Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja is wearing an Silk Honor Scarf awarded by Dr. Srivastava previously.
Post Conference group photo at DIPAS. Note that Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja is wearing an Silk Honor Scarf awarded by Dr. K.K. Srivastava (2nd front right) previously.

ONE CONCEPT INCLUDED IN THE CONFERENCE “Extraordinary Adaptation to Chronic Hypoxia and Life at High altitude”:

The theory proposed by Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo that man con adapt to live in the hypoxic levels of Mt. Everest, was retouched. It becomes more and more evident that this is a reality. The Indian Army Units disposed in the border with Pakistan at 6000m of altitude, are a strong proof that adaptation to this altitude is possible. DIPAS is the Institution that contributes greatly to the success of such unique missions. We met several Army medical officers, that had worked in such missions and all were in agreement with our points of view.

Chancellor Prof. S.N. Gaur, hands Dr. Zubieta a commemorative gift from Dipas.
Chancellor Prof. S.N. Gaur, hands Dr. Zubieta a commemorative gift from Dipas.
An extraordinary distinction by Dr. Shashi Bala Singh, Outstanding Director of DIPAS>
An extraordinary distinction by Dr. Shashi Bala Singh, Outstanding Director of DIPAS.
Prof. K.K. Srivastava the coordinator, on the left, congratulates and shares warm moments with Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja. with the presence of the Chancellor Prof. S.N. Gaur and Director Prof. Shashi Bala Singh at DIPAS.
Prof. K.K. Srivastava the coordinator, on the left, congratulates and shares warm moments with Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja. with the presence of the Chancellor Prof. S.N. Gaur and Director Prof. Shashi Bala Singh at DIPAS.
Visit to the Red Forts in Dehli and Agra
Visit to the Red Forts in Dehli and Agra
Lucretia De Urioste on our visit to the fabulous Taj Mahal.
At Agra, Lucretia De Urioste on our visit to the fabulous Taj Mahal.


The IPPA team with Shashi, thanks to Prof. Thuppil Venkatesh kind sponsorship.
The IPPA team with Prof. Shashi, thanks to Prof. Thuppil Venkatesh’s kind sponsorship that proves dreams in life do come true.
At the Hindu Rao Hospital in Dehli
At the Hindu Rao Hospital in Dehli
At the inaugural ceremony of the course on Quality Control for Laboratories under the direction of Dr. Thuppil Venkatesh
At the inaugural ceremony of the course on Quality Control for Laboratories under the direction of Dr. Thuppil Venkatesh
Inscription at Mahatma Ghandi's Tomb site in Dehli.
Inscription at Mahatma Ghandi’s Tomb site in Dehli.
Mahatma Ghandi's beautiful, peaceful Tomb memorial in Dehli
Mahatma Ghandi’s beautiful, peaceful Tomb memorial in Dehli
Sawminayaran Akshardham an extraordinary sculptured temple.
Sawminayaran Akshardham an extraordinary sculptured temple.


 Back to Day 1 of the India Chronic Hypoxia tour

Juventud del Saracho – Poesia

           Juventud del Saracho
por Gustavo Zubieta Castillo 6to curso

Juventud de gallarda figura
de talento y gran corazón,
es tu voz, voz de cultura
tus colores son de campeón.

En el rojo y negro tu llevas
entusiasmo, valor para vencer.
En el triunfo o derrotas cantas
!ADELANTE SARACHO! es deber………

Eleva tus notas al viento
que a otra era se remontará
el futuro, tu saber y talento
honor, progreso a la patria dará

1941 ——————————————1991
Placa actualmente en el lobby del Saracho en Oruro.

Chronic Hypoxia Symposium VI

VI Chronic Hypoxia Symposium
Dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo (Sr.)
                October 8-13, 2016
Mark your calendar! Visit our website.

We thank all the colleagues that have expressed their interest to participate.
New concepts about Chronic Hypoxia
We think that Chronic Hypoxia has to be looked upon in a different manner than how it is seen today. For anyone visiting us, you will find an active, busy modern city in the bowl shaped city of La Paz and El Alto. The streets are filled with people, in their daily routine, going up and down the streets, some quite steep.  How many are concerned that they are living between 4100m and 3100m? I could almost affirm: NONE. However some foreigners do feel the altitude as they are comparing it with sea level. But many of those start living here and adapt perfectly well. They also end up forgetting they are at high altitude!
City of La Paz 1
City of La Paz
City of La Paz
City of La Paz
The city of La Paz with much construction of buildings going on, lately.
How about sports at high altitude?
Some of you may recall the soccer game we carried out in the summit of Mountain Sajama at 6542m. under the leadership of Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo (Sr.)
Soccer at Sajama
Soccer at Sajama
Did you know that several  bicycle world speed records have been broken in La Paz? The lower density of the air is an advantage. Hypoxia is not a drawback.
bicycle racing
bicycle racing
 and how about the 100m dash?
The current men’s world record is 9.58 seconds, set by Jamaica’s Usain Bolt in 2009, while the women’s world record of 10.49 seconds set by American Florence Griffith-Joyner in 1988 remains unbroken.
 We think that the 100 meter dash world record could also be broken here!!!  Lets propose it and see if it is true. Falciform anemia, if by any chance present, could of course be a major drawback.
!00 meter Dash
!00 meter Dash

And about disease at high altitude?

We have to quote Dr. Thuppil Venkatesh, President of the Chronic Hypoxia Society: “I always keep thinking how two individuals (you and your Dad) with no resources could bring the world together to have a rethinking about the Physiology at High altitude as a way of life and not as sickness. you both.”.
We are naturally most thankful for his kind words.
We see the increase of red blood cells as a blessing, not a culprit. In fact we are happy when red blood cell counts increase. At high altitude, in our experience, anemia reduces your capacity for exercise, polycythemia does not. The most adequate terminology, as created by the late Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo (Sr). is Polyerythrocythemia.
Poly-erythro-cyt-hemia = Poly (many) + Erythro (red) + cyt (cells) + hemia (blood).
Can Chronic Hypoxia help in space travel and new settlements?
In our previous conferences we have proposed that space capsules have the same barometric pressure as La Paz (1/3 less than at sea level). This would help in energy resources, allow for longer travel, facilitate and speed the change of reducing pressure of the environment for the extravehicular suits to 1/3 of the sea level barometric pressure.
Space EVA 1
Space EVA 1
Space EVA
Space EVA
These are some of the advantages of chronic hypoxia.There are many more.
Are we (high altitude dwellers) afraid of life at sea level?
At high altitude, we are not afraid of mosquitoes and the risk of Dengue, Chikungunga or Zika. We don’t have them and they never disturb our sleep. That is wonderful!!!
In fact, we feel safe here at high altitude and we avoid going to low lands as we don’t want to put our health at risk.
Homage to the work of the late Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo Sr.
If you missed it,  you can read it here:
Interested in performing high altitude research?
Interested in performing research here in La Paz (3500m) in our labs at IPPA and/or Chacaltaya (5250m) at our pyramid laboratory two hours by car from La Paz? You could do it the week or two prior to the meeting. We will help you arrange it. A television network has expressed interest in recording this research at extreme altitudes.
Come join us and lets discuss all these concepts and many more. Express your ideas freely here in La Paz
See  you in October.
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja
High Altitude Pulmonary and Pathology Institute IPPA

Rio Soqueri 55
Final Av.Saavedra,Prologanciòn Av. Copacabana

La Paz, Bolivia

Homenaje Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo RELAMI Altura

RELAMI Altura, Octubre 2015.       (English version below)



Homenaje “In Memoriam”


A la Familia y a su hijo Dr. Gustavo Zubieta Calleja (La Paz – Bolivia) del Ilustre y Honorable Profesor Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo MD (20 mayo 1926 a 17 septiembre 2015, 89 años) médico boliviano, experto en medicina de altitud, fisiólogo, cirujano militar, escritor, pintor, nombrado como el “Gurú de la montaña” en el Colegio Médico de San Juan en Bangalore, India (1).

Ha trabajado en fisiología de alta montaña. Nació a 3800m en Oruro, Bolivia, y después de estudiar medicina en la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés en la ciudad de La Paz, a 3.513 m sobre el nivel del mar, enfoco todo su trabajo a temas de fisiología en alta montaña y más tarde evolucionó al estudio de la patología derivada de la altitud. Propuso nuevos conceptos y la comprensión de lo que se conoce como la Enfermedad Crónica de Montaña. Esta patología objetivada a gran altura, con cifras por encima de los valores normales para tales altitudes, se caracteriza por un aumento del número de glóbulos rojos, cianosis, fracaso ventilatorio y alteraciones respiratorias con hipertensión pulmonar e hipertrofia del ventrículo derecho, que inicialmente se afirmaba que se debía a “la pérdida de la adaptación”. El profesor Gustavo Zubieta Castillo cambió esta interpretación, y el estaba firmemente convencido de que: “Los sistemas orgánicos de los seres humanos y de todas las demás especies tienden a adaptarse a cualquier cambio ambiental y circunstancias en un período óptimo de tiempo, y nunca tienden a la regresión lo que conduciría inevitablemente a la muerte” (2). Este concepto ha cambiado la forma en como se interpretan las enfermedades de gran altitud.

El 9 de julio de 1970, Zubieta-Castillo funda la primera clínica de gran altura en el mundo y que se encuentra en La Paz, Bolivia, denominada “Instituto de Patología en la Altura”. Una de sus teorías es que el hombre tiene la extraordinaria capacidad de adaptación a vivir en un ambiente hipóxico incluso en el punto más alto del planeta Tierra: la cumbre del monte Everest de 8842m (3).

Por tanto; es para nosotros, la América Andina agrupada en la “Red Latinoamericana de Investigación de Medicina Intensiva en la Altura” – RELAMI-Altura, ofrecer este homenaje póstumo a tan ilustre colega y profesor boliviano, mostrar nuestro agradecimiento por haber tenido el honor de compartir momentos de sublime aprendizaje, y por marcar el sendero a seguir en la Medicina en la Altura.



Dr. Manuel Jibaja Vega. COORDINADOR GENERAL,

Dr. E. Enrique Maraví Poma.COORDINADOR EUROPA.

Dr. José Antonio Carmona Suazo. COORDINADOR MÉXICO.

Dr. Guillermo Ortiz Ruiz. COORDINADOR COLOMBIA

Dr. Ignacio Vladimir Granda Luna. COORDINADOR ECUADOR.

Dr. Amilcar Tinoco Solórzano. COORDINADOR PERÚ.





To the family and his son Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja (La Paz, Bolivia) of the Illustrious Honorable Professor Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo MD (May 20 1926 to September 17, 2015, 89 years old) bolivian physician, high altitude medicine expert, physiologist, military surgeon, writer, painter, named the “Mountain Guru” at the Medical College of Saint John’s in Bangalore, India (1).

He worked in high altitude physiology. Born at 3800m in Oruro, Bolivia and after studying medicine in the Universidad Mayor de San Andres in the city of La Paz, at 3513m above sea level, he focused all his work on high altitude physiology and later evolved to the study of pathology resulting from high altitude. He proposed new concepts and the understanding of what is known as Chronic Mountain Sickness. This pathology observed at high altitude, with values above the normal ones for such altitude, is characterized by an increase of the number of red blood cells, cyanosis, ventilatory insufficiency and respiratory alterations with pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy, that was initially considered to “loss of adaptation”. Professor Gustavo Zubieta-CAstillo changed this interpretation and he was firmly convinced that “The organic systems of human beings and all other species, tend to adapt to any environmental change and circumstance in an optimal period of time, and never tend towards regression, which would unavoidably lead to death” (2). This concept has changed the way how disease is interpreted at high altitude.

On July 9th, 1970, he created the first high altitude clinic in the world, that is found in the city of La Paz, Bolivia with the name ” Instituto de Patología en la Altura” (‘High Altitude Pulmonary and Pathology Institute”). One of his theories is that man has the extraordinary capacity to adapt to live in a hypoxic environment even in the highest point on planet earth, the summit of Mt. Everest 8842m (3).

Consequently, it is for us, the Andean America gathered int the ‘Red Latinoamericana de Investigación de Medicina Intensiva, en la Altura” – RELAMI-Altura, (“Latin-American Network of High Altitude Intensive Care Research”) to offer this posthumous homage to such an illustrious Bolivian colleague and professor, showing our gratitude for having had the honor of sharing the sublime learning and for showing us the road to follow in High Altitude Medicine.




3. Zubieta-Castillo G, Zubieta-Calleja GR, Zubieta-Calleja L, Zubieta-Castillo N (2008). “Facts that Prove that Adaptation to life at Extreme Altitude (8842m) is possible”. In Adaptation Biology and Medicine, Suppl 5: 348–355. Editors: L. Lukyanova, N. Takeda and P.K. Singal. Copyright © 2008 Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. 26.

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo’s last breath in his beloved high altitude La Paz, Bolivia

“Spending the 90s”, as he used to affirm, Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo,

Imágenes integradas 1
has left this physical world on Sep17, 2015 leaving behind: everything he used, personally created, his thoughts, his questioning attitude, his severe criticism of what he considered wrong or misleading, his inquisitive mind, his courage and tenacity, his kind and generous attitude, his extraordinary teaching abilities, his visionary inteliigence, his defense of life at high altitude, his poems, his capturing literary production, his paintings in oleo, his discipline, his tolerance with arrogance, and even his own organism.
A member of the Bolivian Academy of Sciences, Bolivian Literature Academy, yet simple and friendly. He was the organizer of the First World Congress on High Altitude Medicine and Physiology that started in La Paz, Bolivia and moved on to Cusco, Peru – Matsumoto, Japan – Arica, Chile, Barcelona, Spain, Xining, China & Lhasa, Tibet and many other cities – countries that we lost track of.
Inline image 1
In Bangalore, India he was named with the generous sponsor of Dr. Thuppil Venkatesh, the “lead man of India” at the Saint John’s University the Parvatha Guru (Mountain Guru) a unique distinction that he was proud of.
Image result for chacaltaya pyramid
We constructed the Chacaltaya Pyramid (glass) Laboratory at 5300m (the highest in the world).
Natalia Zubieta, his granddaughter created and founded the High Altitude Museum in Oct 20, 2010 (the first in the world). He strongly supported it and felt very proud of her being the director.
He was the leader that crystallized the highest soccer (football) game played on the summit of Mount Sajama (6542m) proving that sports at that high altitude was possible, denoting the extraordinary capacity of the Aymaras, thereby defending Bolivia to play the world cups in its own grounds in La Paz (3600m).
Inline image 3
His original and unique views on what was called Chronic Mountain Sickness, a term he proposed be discarded and be rather expressed as PolyErythroCythemia (as a more precise symptomatic description of multiple pathologies in the hypoxic environment of high altitude, was a subject of controversy but of his absolute certainty based on his over 50 years of physician at high altitude. He opposed the obsolete concept of reducing the red blood cells with archaic treatments such as phlebotomy or the use of toxic drugs such as Phenylhydrazine, an OMS proscribed drug. He interrupted its use saving thousands of Polycythemia patients from a guaranteed fatal outcome. He often considered this his most outstanding feat.
He created the “Triple Hypoxia Syndrome” an essential description to explain momentary decrease of PaO2 in Polyerythrocythemic patients.
His concepts of hypoxia gave rise to the formulation of the High Altitude Adaptation Formula.
Upon arrival to La Paz, from a sea level trip, in spite of the fatigue, he would insist that tests be performed on ourselves to observe adaptation. This gave rise to the paper “Adaptation to high altitude through hematocrit changes”.
As a young professor of physiology at Universidad Mayor de San Andres, in La Paz, he performed isolated heart perfusions in dogs and proved that heart surgery could be successfully carried out at high altitude.
Isolated dog heart perfusion at high altitude by Zubieta-Castillo
He also affirmed back in 1964 that the hearts at high altitude were more resistant than at sea level. This visionary observation is currently subject of innumerable papers of the favorable effects of hypoxic exposure on heart function.
Following the observation of the low levels of PaO2 in patients with PolyErythrocythemia at high altitude, the soccer game on Mount Sajama (6542m), the fetal PaO2, he formulated the theory that man can adapt to live at the summit of Mount Everest. His last conference on this was given this February 2015 at the Conference Internacional de Medicina de Altura (CIMA) in Puno, Peru in a joint effort of the Peruvian Medical and  Bolivian Medical Colleges. He was awarded distinctions that he much enjoyed. Thank you to all those that recognized his talents.
El uso instintivo de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra de la curva normal de Gauss
El uso instintivo de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra de la curva normal de Gauss
He wrote a unique article entitled “The mathematics in the structure of Literature”, showing how Miguel De Cervantes description of Don Quijote and Sancho Panza were extremes in a Gauss curve. Several of his books on essays are a delight to read (in Spanish).
We jointly created the First High Altitude Pathology course in La Paz, Bolivia. We then went on to create the Congress on the Effect of Hypoxia on Diseases at high altitude that later evolved to be, held every two years, uo to the V Chronic Hypoxia Symposium. We then went on to create the International Society of Chronic Hypoxia (ISCH) with several colleagues attending the II Chronic Hypoxia Symposium. The Wilderness and Environmental Medicine Journal kindly published our abstracts, for which we are most profoundly grateful.
One of the most interesting achievements, was his concept that in regards to Chronic Mountain Sickness, it was unacceptable to talk about loss of adaptation. He strongly affirmed: “there is no loss of adaptation!!”.
Consequently he wrote:
” The organic systems of human beings and all other species tend to adapt to any environmental change and circumstance within an optimal period of time, and  never tend towards regression which would inevitably lead to death”.
In fact we had a dissenting point of view in the International Consensus for the Definition of High Altitude Diseases, that eventually stopped the use of the term “loss of adaptation”.
We created the “Science, Honor and Truth” award and a medal which says “defeating hypoxia”. The most distinguished scientists that truly follow these forgotten concepts are awarded every two years
Inline image 2
We wrote the first book published in English in Bolivia called “High Altitude Pathology at 12000 ft”. It was dedicated to: “Those of short breath at high altitude”.
Our research and publications, never received one sole grant (being them nonexistent in Bolivia), and all science was produced with our own funds acquired at the High Altitude Pulmonary and Pathology Institute (the first altitude clinic in the world, founded 45 years ago), from treating our patients. This became his contribution to the well-being of the residents of high altitude. In order to carry out such feats, we constructed our own equipment using very basic and inexpensive materials, writing our own software, and giving all our time and effort with satisfaction thereby having “the Joy of seeing the light” as our dear friend and outstanding physiologist Poul-Erik Paulev affirmed. We jointly created the Poul-Erik High Altitude Diving Laboratory in his honor and we developed high altitude diving tables.
His publications are cited in many papers around the globe and have recently shot up in the number of downloads and views are available at ResearchGate. Don’t miss them, they are historic.
See part of his lifetime achievements at:
He had an absolute certainty that after he left, he would receive recognition for his work and for his theories of which he never doubted. That is left to be seen if he was right!
Thank you father, mentor, professor, wise mountain Guru for having left us a legacy, and a school of thought that Natalia, Rafaela, (my two daughters), Lucrecia my wife, Nancy. Luis and Rosayda (my brother and sisters), Clotilde (my mother, his attentive and unconditional supporter and lifetime companion), Joyce, Andrei, Gustavo, Katia, Luis Andres and Sebastian, (his other grandchildren) and even his first grandson Thomas Andrew Jenkins will spread and continue.
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja
High Altitude Pulmonary and Pathology Institute IPPA

Rio Soqueri 55
Final Av.Saavedra,Prologanciòn Av. Copacabana

La Paz, Bolivia



Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo

dedicated to: James Muldrey, Professor of biochemistry, Tulane Medical School, USA.

Walter Unglaub, Dean, Tulane Medical School, USA

Rafael Rubio, Professor, Instituto de Cardiologia de Mexico

and many that remain in my memory


Life grants one favors

of different nature and magnitude

that can change the course of our existence.

Favors, that can only be paid with gratitude,

because they are priceless.

Gratitude is a virtue of recognition.

debts” that one acquires

that would have to be “reimbursed”.


It is most unfortunate that in this state,

of favors received occasionally,

one looses the chance to reciprocate.

Because, human beings, over time, disappear;

And gratitude remains only in one’s memory

as a moral and personal quality.

Gratitude is a virtue of such magnitude,

that sentences to describe it

will always fall short.


We should not search for fault in people

that circumstantially crossed our paths

and impinged damage upon us,

because they eventually will suffer bitterness

for their flawed existence and wrong behavior.

Some may become prominent,

and would wish for one’s disappearance,

from the environment in which they operate

in order to erase bad memories,

because one was a witness of their past anonymousness.

It’s funny how on such extraordinary behavioral subject

we focus so briefly.


Human development

is a constant adaptation

based on experience and knowledge

for the conservation of a pleasant life existence

and a harmonious relationship with our neighbors.


 jefeTranslation by Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja (Jr).


V Chronic Hypoxia Symposium news

Dear colleagues and hypoxia friends:

We will be hosting the V Chronic Hypoxia Symposium in Bolivia this October 6-11, 2014. Several outstanding scientists from around the globe will join us to discuss tolerance to hypoxia, and other aspects of hypoxia.  Among them we have Jan Marino Ramirez, Robert Naejle, Frantisek Kolar, S.V Srikrishna, Wolfgang Jelkmann, Thuppil Venkatesh, Praveen Sharma, Jain Neera, and several other outstanding scientists.   The setting is an itinerant symposium where we will carry out the conferences at different altitudes. If interested, please let us know. Our philosophy is that everyone can participate openly. Some months prior to the meeting we will post some questions regarding our themes  at  in order to carry out and develop a virtual discussion that will end at the meeting itself. All participants will be invited to post questions here (if they wish), prior to their presentation here in La Paz. This will certainly focus all of us on our subjects of interest in a dynamic way.


so, come join us!

V Chronic Hypoxia Symposium

Dear friends and colleagues around the world!

We are, once more, proud to announce the:

V Chronic Hypoxia Symposium

                October 6-11, 2014Mark your calendar!
Uyuni Salt Lake 3

click here to go to the Symposium website

Colleagues from many countries in the world are enthused and lined up to honor us with their presence.

It will once more be an itinerant symposium, where talks are given in different altitude sites. We will visit and have conferences at:La Paz 3510 m
Titicaca Lake, 3800 m
Tiahuanacu ruins 4000 m
Chacaltaya at 5230 m
and the Salt Lakes 3656 m

You will learn of “life at high altitude” in different environments.
And this time we are going to visit the famous Salt Lakes at 3656 m in the South of Bolivia (shown above).
Click here to read more about the Uyuni Salt lakes.
You will be completely impressed by the beauty of Bolivia and the hypoxic environment that is our “normal” everyday life.

click here to read about it.

During the V Chronic Hypoxia Symposium, we will have a meeting of the

International Society of Chronic Hypoxia.

It was created during the II Chronic Hypoxia Symposium

We will discuss about Life in Extreme Hypoxia and the

Tolerance to Hypoxia Formula.

Is it true that the paradox of going higher renders more tolerance to hypoxia?

Great scientists will join us in the analysis of these and other fascinating topics, so don’t loose the chance
by clicking here.

We are going to celebrate 44 years of scientific production in high altitude research..

Please read of our latest events and activities at:

All the best from Bolivia!!

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja    and     Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo (Sr)….. still active

High Altitude Pulmonary and Pathology Institute
43 years of high altitude medicine
Phone: (591-2) 224-5394

High Altitude Medicine News