Category Archives: Medical news

Human Adaptation to High Altitude and Sea Level

Here goes the link (click below) to my dissertation that I have been repeatedly asked to publish on-line:

It has novel things about adaptation of high altitude residents to sea level and future space travel. Hope you enjoy them.

The book is now available in all major libraries around the world.

For Example in Germany (click here):

or  in India: (click here)

Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja
High Altitude Pathology Institute
Celebrating our 39th Anniversary!!
Phone: (591-2) 224-5394

New publications on ophthalmological studies and altitude adaptation

The effect of High to Low Altitude Adaptation on the

Multifocal Electroretinogram.

Department of Ophthalmology, Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Glostrup, Denmark
High Altitude Pathology Institute, La Paz, Bolivia; Department of Ophthalmology, Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Glostrup, Denmark

PURPOSE. To examine variations in retinal electrophysiology assessed by multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) during acclimatization of native highlanders during adaptation to normobaric normoxia at sea level. METHODS. Eight healthy residents of from the greater La Paz area in Bolivia (3600 m above sea level) were examined over 72 days after arriving in Copenhagen, Denmark (sea level). A control group of 8 healthy lowlanders was used for comparison. RESULTS. During the period of observation hemoglobin decreased from 16.7 gm/dL to 15.0 gm/dL (p = 0.0031), erythrocytes decreased from 5.3 T/l to 4.6 T/l (p = 0.0006), and hematocrit decreased from 49.4% to 42.2% (p = 0.0008). At baseline, Day 2 after arrival, the amplitudes (N1, P1, N2) of the mfERG were 43.1-59.9% higher in the highlanders than in lowlanders (p < 0.017). During acclimatization the mfERG amplitudes increased 16.9 to 20.4% (p < 0.028) to a level 73.2-87.0% higher in the highlanders than in lowlanders (p < 0.0008). The increase in amplitude was inversely proportional to the decrease in erythrocyte concentration (p = 0.023, 0.053, 0.12 for N1, P1, N2 respectively). CONCLUSIONS. Upon arrival at sea level, highlanders had markedly supernormal multifocal electroretinographic amplitudes that continued to increase during the 72 day period of observation where the highlanders’ hematocrit normalized. Our results suggest that acclimatization after a change in altitude and hence in ambient oxygen tension involves intrinsic retinal mechanisms and that acclimatization had not been completed at the end of the study.

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 Feb 21.

extracted from:

L’Internaute website: Football at 6542 m

The website L’Internaute Sport has published a series of
incredible Sports experiences.

Among them:

floating tennis courts,
marathon in space,
tennis heliport in Dubai,
mountain biking,
golf on snow,
tennis on top of water,
Ski in the dessert,
Cricket in the Himalayas,
tennis in a boat
and the football (soccer) game played on the summit of Mt. Sajama at 6542 m. that the High the Altitude Pathology Institute organized in August 2001.

Click here to view the photos.

Click here to read about the Sajama football game.

Recent publications in high altitude medicine

Dear colleagues and friends:

The organizing committee thanks all of those that expressed their interest in participating. We look forward to everyones participation with their interesting scientific work. You are all welcome.

We would like to inform you that some of our most recent publications are among the themes to be addressed at our forthcoming symposium:

High altitude diving depths.
Res Sports Med. 2007 Jul-Sep;15(3):213-23.
PMID: 17987509
Our pre-print copy can be read here

Thorsen HC, Zubieta-Calleja G, Paulev PE.

Decompression sickness following seawater hunting using underwater scooters.

Res Sports Med. 2007 Jul-Sep;15(3):225-39.
PMID: 17987510

Paulev PE, Siggaard-Andersen O.

Clinical application of the pO(2)-pCO(2) diagram.

Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2004 Oct;48(9):1105-14.
PMID: 15352956 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja GR.

Essentials in the diagnosis of acid-base disorders and their high altitude application.
J Physiol Pharmacol. 2005 Sep;56 Suppl 4:155-70.
PMID: 16204789
Full pdf article. Read it here

Zubieta-Calleja GR, Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja L, Zubieta-Calleja N, Zubieta-Castillo G.

Hypoventilation in chronic mountain sickness: a mechanism to preserve energy.
J Physiol Pharmacol. 2006 Sep;57 Suppl 4:425-30.
PMID: 17072073
Full pdf article. Read it here

Zubieta-Castillo G Sr, Zubieta-Calleja GR Jr, Zubieta-Calleja L.

Chronic mountain sickness: the reaction of physical disorders to chronic hypoxia.

J Physiol Pharmacol. 2006 Sep;57 Suppl 4:431-42.
PMID: 17072074
Full pdf article. Read it here

Zubieta-Castillo G, Zubieta-Calleja GR, Zubieta-Calleja L, Zubieta-Calleja, Nancy.

Adaptation to life at the altitude of the summit of Everest.
Fiziol Zh. 2003;49(3):110-7. Review.

PMID: 12918259
Full pdf article. Read it here

Hope you enjoy them,



Poul-Erik Paulev, Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja and Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo (Sr).