Yesterday on 01.05.2020, at 3.45 pm we had 7th weekly UNESCO COVID-19 Skype meeting.
The title was “The methods of detection of minimal therapeutic doses of drugs for COVID-19 therapy”
Italian Physician Dr. Foletti delivered a presentation on biophysical properties involved in renal functions based on ACE2 which is linked with SARS-COV-2.
There was outstanding input from Prof. Gustavo Zubieta a well-known pulmonologist from La Paz. Prof.Mubaseri, Dr. Sumanta Goswami and Dr. Md. Iqbal Alam contributed significantly on Molecular biology, clinical medicine, and computational biology to understand the deadly virus. 11 physicians and scientists participated in this 2h 30 mins meeting.
Happy to coordinate UNESCO Natural Science COVID-19 video conference under UNESCO Chair Life Science
Prof. Kusal Das BLDE University