India 2017 Conferences
Nov 29 – Dec 15, 2017
Once again Prof. Dr. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja was invited to participate in ACBICON (Association of Clinical Biochemists of India Conference, and to give talks at BLDE University between Nov 29 and Dec 15, 2017. Prof. Thuppil Venkatesh, was the host and he organized several conferences and meetings along with some visits to temples and friends in Bangalore, Lucknow, and Vijayapur. Here is his description of the events.
The inauguration was carried out by Prof. M.L.B. Bhatt, Vice-Chancellor of the famous KING GEORGE’S UNIVERSITY in Lucknow. His speech was very interesting and full of oratory talent. He talked about “The Lead Man” referring to the famous Prof. Thuppil Venkatesh and added that also present was “The Hypoxia Man” referring to me. I felt touched by such kind denomination. Many colleagues then started calling me “The Hypoxia Man” the rest of the meeting, which obviously makes it easier for them than to say my name that is complicated in India, as you may appreciate. They often confuse my First name Gustavo with my Last name Zubieta-Calleja. These are handicaps of cultural differences.

Prof. Abbas Ali Mahdi, the previous Head of the Biochemistry Department at King George’s University and now Vice- Chancellor of Era University, was the organizer of this interesting meeting in Lucknow. There I had the opportunity of meeting once again Prof. Praveen Sharma, the Head of the Biochemistry of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Jodhpur and Chief Editor of the Indian Journal of Biochemistry. I was invited to participate in the editorial board of the Journal and had the privilege of attending the yearly meeting.
My conference was entitled:
Clinical Biochemistry at the summit of Mt. Everest: Correct interpretation of arterial blood gases and acid-base status.
We then flew back to Bangalore where we met some old friends like Parthasarathy and Shashi.
We then travelled by train to Vijayapur and where we spent 4 days in multiple activities at the distinguished BLDE University Physiology Department that is more than 100 years old. We were greeted once more, by Prof. Kusal Das Head of the Laboratory of Vascular Physiology and Medicine
With Professor of Physiology Dewan Majid of Tulane Medical School, we shared very pleasant moments along with Prof. Thuppil Venkatesh and Parthasarathy.
I gave a talk related to chronic hypoxia and how high altitude residents have achieved what we call an “advantage for survival” and where I explained that we observe that sea level residents have a very poor tolerance to hypoxia, inducing us to affirm that they suffer a “disability”, whereby they have poor response to hypoxia and in contrast high altitude residents can even achieve extended longevity.
Incidentally, a researcher wrote:

If any one else knows any high altitude cities in the world where there is extended longevity please let us know by sending us an email:

Prof. Thuppil Venkatesh and myself also gave talks at the engineering Department at BLDE, thanks to an invitation by Prof. Swastika Das.

These were two very stimulating talks that generated much enthusiasm in the Professors and students of such a distinguished engineering School.

I was also invited to be the External Examiner for a PhD Thesis by Dr S S Devarmani, Controller of Examination, BLDE University in reference to:

After an interesting presentation and round of questions by the assisting Professors of BLDE, and then followed by a closed meeting with further questions and recommendations, between the Three examiners: Prof. Kusal Das, Prof. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja and Prof. Manjunath Aithal the guiding professor, along with the student Praveen S. Patil, we decided to accept and approve the Thesis and I was granted the honor of announcing it to the candidate.
There were several other activities but upon returning to Bangalore, I was invited by Satish Jain, President of the Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, to inaugurate the new Fertility Unit. Please see the video.
Aside from our Scientific cooperation with BLDE University with Prof. Kusal Das, we are now proud to announce that Dr. Abbas Ali Mahdi has honored me as:
Visiting Professor at Era University Lucknow, India
Visiting Professor at American University in Barbados
Thereby we establish a promising future collaboration association.
Our most profound thankfulness to Prof. Venkatesh and all his colleagues for the wonderful visit.
Great global effort and my heartiest complements to you and your team. . I could visualise scientific temper and activities across the globe created by the chronic Hypoxia sessions which will make life on earth more comfortable to all forms of life. Science in true sense will be understood by like minded and with simple inexpensive efforts even the space travel which is complicated to understand will be understood by all. I know you have a strong belief commitment and passion to achieve. We are with you in this meaningful journey of life.