Scientific articles ranking in high altitude domain

ranked scientific articles this way:

Wednesday, June 1 , 2011

List 2: Top 10 Articles Published in the Same Domain Since Your Publication

Zubieta-Calleja GR, Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja L, Zubieta-Calleja N, Zubieta-Castillo G: Hypoventilation in chronic mountain sickness: a mechanism to preserve energy. J Physiol Pharmacol; 2006 Sep;57 Suppl 4:425-30

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León-Velarde F, Villafuerte FC, Richalet JP: Chronic mountain sickness and the heart. Prog Cardiovasc Dis; 2010 May-Jun;52(6):540-9
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Moore LG, Niermeyer S, Vargas E: Does chronic mountain sickness (CMS) have perinatal origins? Respir Physiol Neurobiol; 2007 Sep 30;158(2-3):180-9
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Rivera-Ch M, Huicho L, Bouchet P, Richalet JP, León-Velarde F: Effect of acetazolamide on ventilatory response in subjects with chronic mountain sickness. Respir Physiol Neurobiol; 2008 Aug 31;162(3):184-9
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Jafarian S, Gorouhi F, Ghergherechi M, Lotfi J: Respiratory rate within the first hour of ascent predicts subsequent acute mountain sickness severity. Arch Iran Med; 2008 Mar;11(2):152-6
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Zubieta-Castillo G Sr, Zubieta-Calleja GR Jr, Zubieta-Calleja L: Chronic mountain sickness: the reaction of physical disorders to chronic hypoxia. J Physiol Pharmacol; 2006 Sep;57 Suppl 4:431-42
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Maignan M, Rivera-Ch M, Privat C, León-Velarde F, Richalet JP, Pham I: Pulmonary pressure and cardiac function in chronic mountain sickness patients. Chest; 2009 Feb;135(2):499-504
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Penaloza D, Arias-Stella J: The heart and pulmonary circulation at high altitudes: healthy highlanders and chronic mountain sickness. Circulation; 2007 Mar 6;115(9):1132-46
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Yan JH, Li ZQ, Ji LH, Chai KX, Ge RL: [Changes of serum angiogenesis in patients with chronic mountain sickness]. Zhongguo Ying Yong Sheng Li Xue Za Zhi; 2009 Nov;25(4):457-60
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Huicho L, Xing G, Qualls C, Rivera-Ch M, Gamboa JL, Verma A, Appenzeller O: Abnormal energy regulation in early life: childhood gene expression may predict subsequent chronic mountain sickness. BMC Pediatr; 2008;8:47
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List 3: Top 10 Articles Published in the Same Domain, All Time

Zubieta-Calleja GR, Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja L, Zubieta-Calleja N, Zubieta-Castillo G: Hypoventilation in chronic mountain sickness: a mechanism to preserve energy. J Physiol Pharmacol; 2006 Sep;57 Suppl 4:425-30
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Sun S, Oliver-Pickett C, Ping Y, Micco AJ, Droma T, Zamudio S, Zhuang J, Huang SY, McCullough RG, Cymerman A, Moore LG: Breathing and brain blood flow during sleep in patients with chronic mountain sickness. J Appl Physiol; 1996 Aug;81(2):611-8
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Sun SF, Huang SY, Zhang JG, Droma TS, Banden G, McCullough RE, McCullough RG, Cymerman A, Reeves JT, Moore LG: Decreased ventilation and hypoxic ventilatory responsiveness are not reversed by naloxone in Lhasa residents with chronic mountain sickness. Am Rev Respir Dis; 1990 Dec;142(6 Pt 1):1294-300
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Erba P, Anastasi S, Senn O, Maggiorirni M, Bloch KE: Acute mountain sickness is related to nocturnal hypoxemia but not to hypoventilation. Eur Respir J; 2004 Aug;24(2):303-8
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Richalet JP, Rivera M, Bouchet P, Chirinos E, Onnen I, Petitjean O, Bienvenu A, Lasne F, Moutereau S, León-Velarde F: Acetazolamide: a treatment for chronic mountain sickness. Am J Respir Crit Care Med; 2005 Dec 1;172(11):1427-33
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León-Velarde F, Arregui A, Vargas M, Huicho L, Acosta R: Chronic mountain sickness and chronic lower respiratory tract disorders. Chest; 1994 Jul;106(1):151-5
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León-Velarde F, Villafuerte FC, Richalet JP: Chronic mountain sickness and the heart. Prog Cardiovasc Dis; 2010 May-Jun;52(6):540-9
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Moore LG, Niermeyer S, Vargas E: Does chronic mountain sickness (CMS) have perinatal origins? Respir Physiol Neurobiol; 2007 Sep 30;158(2-3):180-9
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Ge RL, Shai HR, Takeoka M, Hanaoka M, Koizumi T, Matsuzawa Y, Kubo K, Kobayashi T: Atrial natriuretic peptide and red cell 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in patients with chronic mountain sickness. Wilderness Environ Med; 2001;12(1):2-7
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Rivera-Ch M, Huicho L, Bouchet P, Richalet JP, León-Velarde F: Effect of acetazolamide on ventilatory response in subjects with chronic mountain sickness. Respir Physiol Neurobiol; 2008 Aug 31;162(3):184-9
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List 4: Top 10 Articles, with Free Full-Texts, Published in the Same Domain Since Your Publication

Zubieta-Calleja GR, Paulev PE, Zubieta-Calleja L, Zubieta-Calleja N, Zubieta-Castillo G: Hypoventilation in chronic mountain sickness: a mechanism to preserve energy. J Physiol Pharmacol; 2006 Sep;57 Suppl 4:425-30
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Jafarian S, Gorouhi F, Ghergherechi M, Lotfi J: Respiratory rate within the first hour of ascent predicts subsequent acute mountain sickness severity. Arch Iran Med; 2008 Mar;11(2):152-6
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Zubieta-Castillo G Sr, Zubieta-Calleja GR Jr, Zubieta-Calleja L: Chronic mountain sickness: the reaction of physical disorders to chronic hypoxia. J Physiol Pharmacol; 2006 Sep;57 Suppl 4:431-42
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Maignan M, Rivera-Ch M, Privat C, León-Velarde F, Richalet JP, Pham I: Pulmonary pressure and cardiac function in chronic mountain sickness patients. Chest; 2009 Feb;135(2):499-504
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Penaloza D, Arias-Stella J: The heart and pulmonary circulation at high altitudes: healthy highlanders and chronic mountain sickness. Circulation; 2007 Mar 6;115(9):1132-46
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Huicho L, Xing G, Qualls C, Rivera-Ch M, Gamboa JL, Verma A, Appenzeller O: Abnormal energy regulation in early life: childhood gene expression may predict subsequent chronic mountain sickness. BMC Pediatr; 2008;8:47
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Gonzales GF, Gasco M, Tapia V, Gonzales-Castañeda C: High serum testosterone levels are associated with excessive erythrocytosis of chronic mountain sickness in men. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab; 2009 Jun;296(6):E1319-25
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Stuber T, Sartori C, Schwab M, Jayet PY, Rimoldi SF, Garcin S, Thalmann S, Spielvogel H, Salmòn CS, Villena M, Scherrer U, Allemann Y: Exaggerated pulmonary hypertension during mild exercise in chronic mountain sickness. Chest; 2010 Feb;137(2):388-92
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Moore JP, Claydon VE, Norcliffe LJ, Rivera-Ch MC, Lèon-Velarde F, Appenzeller O, Hainsworth R: Carotid baroreflex regulation of vascular resistance in high-altitude Andean natives with and without chronic mountain sickness. Exp Physiol; 2006 Sep;91(5):907-13
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Bailey DM, Evans KA, James PE, McEneny J, Young IS, Fall L, Gutowski M, Kewley E, McCord JM, Møller K, Ainslie PN: Altered free radical metabolism in acute mountain sickness: implications for dynamic cerebral autoregulation and blood-brain barrier function. J Physiol; 2009 Jan 15;587(Pt 1):73-85
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