IPPA 39th Anniversary

High Altitude Pathology Institute
Clinica IPPA
Instituto de Patologia en la Altura

On July 2, 2009 we celebrated our 39th Anniversary at the Zubieta University Cafeteria. Several distinguished colleagues from important medical centers in La Paz, joined us in the celebration.

Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja Jr. (Clinica IPPA), Saul Pantoja (Hospital Obrero), Rafael Aramayo (Clinica Aranda), Martha Mejia (OMS/OPS) Cinthya Sempertegui (Cossmil), Gustavo Del Carpio (Hospital de Clinicas), Marco Antonio Rios Bravo (Centro Otorrino-Laryngologico Rios-Bravo), Gonzalo F. Soliz (Talentum Garden Clinic), Ricardo Ramos (Psiquiatria and Club Andino Boliviano), Percy Halker (OMS/OPS).

Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo (Clinica IPPA), Ricardo Amaru (Instituto de OncoHematologia), Eduardo Aranda (Hospital del Niño), Ignacio Alurralde (Banco de Sangre) and Mario Luis Tejerina (Clinica Del Sur) (last 4 from the “Sociedad de Hematologia”), Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja (Clinica IPPA), Franz Peter Freudenthal and Alexandra Heath (KardioZentrum).

The powerpoint presentation by Drs. Gustavo Zubieta-Calleja (Jr) and Gustavo Zubieta-Castillo (Sr) can be found here.

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